Effective networking powers your law career

Networking is an essential skill for making law firm partner. Find free guides and playbooks, and join us for courses and webinars.

  • How to reliably win work from introducers
  • How to get internal firm referrals
  • Building a networking plan
  • How to network less but get better results
  • How to work a room
  • How to use LinkedIn
  • Networking for shy and introverted people
  • How to stand out in your network
  • How to get a regular conversation with introducers
  • How to get the right referrals

How to Win New Business

If you want to make partner you need to show you can win business. It is often the lack of a client following that stops so many talented professionals from making the step up to partner. One of the biggest barriers, I hear potential partners say, is actually finding and making the time to grow their client portfolio. 

Networking is often seen as the silver bullet to generating new clients – get it right, and you will have new clients falling over you (or so the thinking goes).

Part of the Business Development Program

Networking is a primary channel for Business Development but not the only one for building a revenue stream in professional services. There may be others that suit your circumstances or personal style.. Public speaking, Sales Development, Referrals, Social Media and Content Marketing

Growing In Confidence

Everything is easier when you have a plan.
Being purposeful improves your networking experience. Our guides and courses are nuanced and comprehensive for newcomers.

Networking Opportunity

The upsides of networking are vast and compound over time: network effects! It has the advantage of making all your other business development activities more effective.

Sparking Motivation

Eventually, networking will become a part of our working life, even if it’s only on an internal basis at first. Don’t let it hold you back.

Networking Problems

As soon as you start to see success, you’ll quickly think about time and overwhelm. The next step is to create the space you need to network effectively.

Our Books

Paperback & Kindle

The Financial Times Guide to Business Networking

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Paperback & Kindle

How to Make Partner and Still Have a Life

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Paperback & Kindle

Poised for

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Paperback & Kindle

The Go-To

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Start your journey with Progress to Partner

Start your journey with Progress to Partner from £35 + VAT annually.
By signing up for Progress To Partner, you gain access to insider knowledge that can help accelerate your career.

What People Say About Us

Years worth of coaching for prospective partners in an online self-paced program

I worked my way through the ‘How to truly commit to moving your career forward’ course first as I had no career plan. Already, feedback from my Managing Partner is that my attitude has improved.

Tax Director


I worked my way through the ‘How to truly commit to moving your career forward’ course first as I had no career plan. Already, feedback from my Managing Partner is that my attitude has improved.

Tax Director


I worked my way through the ‘How to truly commit to moving your career forward’ course first as I had no career plan. Already, feedback from my Managing Partner is that my attitude has improved.

Tax Director