how to use your network to find a job
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5 powerful ways to leverage your network and find your next role

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is a pretty well-known phrase when it comes to job seeking. It’s no wonder really, as according to a recent study published by LinkedIn, 80% of all vacant job roles are found and filled through networking before they’re even published! I’ve spent a long time with…

how to cope with anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic
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How to curb your overwhelming anxiety (particularly when worrying about the impact of CV-19 on your career and livelihood)

Covid-19 has triggered a huge, stressful experiment across the globe. A forced experiment where, over the past few months, people have been experiencing what it’s like to work from home whilst potentially trying to run a completely remote team and having the kids at home 24/7 too. Even worse, it looks like the working from…

18 strategies to master working from home with kids
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18 strategies to master working from home with kids

We’ve had to acquire many skills and address many of our weaknesses during this pandemic, but the main one we’ve all had to learn is how to juggle. For weeks, many of us have been juggling working from home with kids while trying to figure out the logistics of living in this completely unprecedented time….

virtual team vs face to face team.

Master virtual leadership: 7 key differences between remote and face-to-face teams

There are many hurdles to overcome when managing distributed teams.  This skill has now become essential, so this fact begs the question: how do the leadership needs of virtual teams differ from face to face teams? To lead and manage a remote team, you need to make certain adjustments to the way you work.  You…

9 ways to get noticed at work (& still make friends & influence people)
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9 ways to get noticed at work (& still make friends & influence people)

How can you get noticed at work without being seen as “showing off”? It’s a fine line between being confident about your strengths and being perceived as arrogant. So, what’s the right way to get noticed at work, to make your partners aware of your many strengths, without rubbing colleagues up the wrong way? Here…

3 ways your management skills are impacting your personal effectiveness
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3 ways your management skills are impacting your personal effectiveness

When people talk about personal effectiveness, everyone automatically assumes it is about how you personally manage and organise your workflow.  Actually, personal effectiveness is as much about the people around you, and how you interact with them, as it is about your personal organisation. I can lecture you until I am blue in the face…

remote employee monitoring

6 clues that you are letting your team members get away with poor performance

If you are going to make it successfully up to equity partner and beyond, you will need a high performing team working for you. A high performing team doesn’t happen by chance! If you are going to lick your team into shape, you have to be prepared to have difficult conversations about performance with individuals…

remote employee monitoring

5 simple ways to unlock the productivity of your team and help them take the initiative

Do you hear complaints from colleagues about their staff not taking the initiative? Do you have a team that just doesn’t seem to have any initiative? Or do you just want to know how to get people to take the initiative? If only they would do what is obvious to you – life would be…

What does it mean to be made partner
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Has your workload temporarily dried up? Here are 6 ways to keep usefully busy!

We are used to being “too busy” – our daily lives consisting of juggling work tasks, looming deadlines, clocking out late, and then waking up to do it all over again – but somehow we manage. Somehow we manage to keep pressing on and any dreams of a ‘break in the schedule’ are pushed to…

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