Relationology: How your relationships will help you make partner
For those of you who have read a few of my blog posts will know how much emphasis I place on the importance of relationships to build a bedrock for your future career success. This is why I am delighted to share an extract from a new book called ‘Relationology: 101 secrets to grow…
6 tips to make your Business Case for partnership so persuasive your partners have to say yes
How to construct a compelling Business Case for partnership Thinking of writing your Business Case? Perhaps you’ve been asked to present your Business Case for partner in a few weeks time, but you have no idea where to start. We have worked with many clients to help them to write compelling and persuasive Business Cases…
3 ways to stop feeling daunted by business development
I have been coaching a partner in a large accountancy practice who confessed to me that he was feeling daunted about the marketing plans we were drawing up. You could say, he wanted to become more confident at business development. His reaction is not unusual, in fact, I’d say, his reaction was fairly common. Firstly,…
How to keep your team happy when they are stressed out with tough deadlines
No-one said that being in the professions would be easy! However, when you get to manager in a practice you get given the equivalent of a ‘hospital pass’. On the one hand you need to keep your clients and partner happy. Then you also need to keep your team happy and motivated, often by asking…
8 tried & tested ideas to help keep you going when you are exhausted in the middle of a deal
How many times have you been absolutely shattered but needed to keep on working at full tilt? Maybe you are in the middle of a deal which you are so near, but so far from closing? Perhaps you are involved in a negotiation where you have all agreed to ‘stay in the room’ until the…
4 tips to help overcome yourself and ditch your fear of public speaking
I received an email from a soon-to-be US KPMG director. They candidly told me that their biggest weakness, and one which would stop them taking their next step up to director, was their fear of public speaking. With so many firms requiring their potential senior managers, directors and partners to present to a panel, overcoming…