A man learning how to use social media to find a job on his ipad
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How to use social media to find your next role (8 not-so-secret tips!)

Social media has long been a great way to increase your profile and get recognised, but it has perhaps never been quite so essential as it is now. With tech and AI continuously on the rise, building a strong social presence is crucial. If you’re looking for a new role in the modern world, this…

a cheetah hunting to symbolise how to job hunt effectively
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A definitive guide to job hunting for lawyers, accountants, and consultants (part 2)

There is more than one trail to the summit of a mountain. The same is true for job hunting. There are many strategies, many channels that you can use to find your ideal role, but like the trails to the top of a mountain, there are only a few consistent ways that result in success…

a cheetah hunting to symbolise how to job hunt effectively
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A definitive guide to job hunting for lawyers, accountants, and consultants (part 1)

There is more than one trail to the summit of a mountain. The same is true for job hunting. There are many strategies, many channels that you can use to find your ideal role, but like the trails to the top of a mountain, there are only a few consistent ways that result in success…

how to change your reputation at work

How to move from being seen as “a safe pair of hands” to future partner material

Look around you in the office. How many people can you see who just stand out as a future partner? Let me guess they are not the people who you would necessarily call ‘a safe pair of hands’? Being seen as a “safe pair of hands” is a bit of a double-edged sword. On the…

A maze to represent using social networking to find a job
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How to use your social network to find your next job (5 things every job seeker needs to know!)

The advice on using social networking to find a job in the past has been fairly scarce. Most blogs have given tips on “what to bear in mind if you’re going to make social networking sites part of your job search” with the message that it’s a ‘nice idea’ – getting a new job or…

How to get a promotion to partner
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How do you get your partners to realise you are ready to be promoted to senior associate in your law firm?

You’re ready to get promoted to senior associate but a senior partner announces that one of your colleagues has got the promotion instead of you again. How can you stop this from happening so that you get the next promotion to senior associate? How can you differentiate yourself from your colleagues and demonstrate your leadership…

how to use your network to find a job
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5 powerful ways to leverage your network and find your next role

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is a pretty well-known phrase when it comes to job seeking. It’s no wonder really, as according to a recent study published by LinkedIn, 80% of all vacant job roles are found and filled through networking before they’re even published! I’ve spent a long time with…

9 ways to get noticed at work (& still make friends & influence people)
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9 ways to get noticed at work (& still make friends & influence people)

How can you get noticed at work without being seen as “showing off”? It’s a fine line between being confident about your strengths and being perceived as arrogant. So, what’s the right way to get noticed at work, to make your partners aware of your many strengths, without rubbing colleagues up the wrong way? Here…

3 ways your management skills are impacting your personal effectiveness
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3 ways your management skills are impacting your personal effectiveness

When people talk about personal effectiveness, everyone automatically assumes it is about how you personally manage and organise your workflow.  Actually, personal effectiveness is as much about the people around you, and how you interact with them, as it is about your personal organisation. I can lecture you until I am blue in the face…

how to say no to law firm clients
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How to get your career back on track if the Coronavirus has sabotaged your career plans

These last 2-3 weeks here in the UK have been, frankly, surreal, scary and the nearest I will hopefully come to war time conditions in my life time. I have been hearing from many of my clients that their career plans have gone completely to awry. (Some of them used stronger language than this.) So…

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