a luminescent image of the head and brain to represent how to embrace change in the workplace
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3 proven ways to hack your brain to embrace change

Want to know how to embrace change in the workplace? Embracing change is one of the most important skills to have in this fast-paced, rapidly changing world. It’s not easy though, as we all like to do things our own way and resist outside influence or advice from others. As you can imagine, this is…

how to say no to a partner
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How to say no to a work project from a partner

How do you say no to a partner who is asking help from you for a work project? And how do you do it without offending them or hurting your career? Many lawyers, accountants, and consultants find it hard to say “no” when it comes to work, especially when it is work offered by a…

Changing the word impossible to possible.
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How to say no gracefully without fear of making a career limiting move

How to say no gracefully is the challenge facing most people in professional services. Saying no to the wrong person or in the wrong way can be a career-limiting move. Particularly if you are on Partner Track or seeking a promotion to the next level in your firm. The problem is, everyone needs to be…

a lions face to represent strength
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How to have more gravitas: 8 steps to build your executive presence

Gravitas, or what’s also known as ‘executive presence,’ is something that partners require, especially in business development meetings or leading meetings with staff members. Your partners want to be proud when they introduce you as one of their partners. So, ultimately, the more gravitas you have, the more likely you will be considered as a…

a car being pushed by people to represent you being stuck in your career
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How to kick-start your career when you’ve got stuck

Are you feeling stuck in your career? Have you lost your mojo? Are you bogged down by the same old, same old, but try as you might, you can’t put your finger on what you really want and what to do about it? Despite what you might see on social media, there are plenty of…

a sign saying no bad days to show how habits progress your career not goals
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Why habits, not goals, are essential to progress your career

If you were asked, “What will progress your career?” I’m pretty sure that your answer would be something akin to “goal-setting plus a lot of hard work.” This would be no surprise as isn’t that the winning combination for all the personal and professional goals that we set ourselves? Let me ask you something, how…

a blurred image of cyclists racing to represent a productive first day back to work
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5 secrets to make that first day back to work as productive as possible

Do you know that dip in productivity that you get after coming back from vacation? Where the first couple of days or even that first week goes slowly, and you tell yourself that you’re just getting back into the groove of things? This is what is known as the ‘post-vacation blues’ and many lawyers, accountants,…

a girl at a crossroads to symbolise how to encourage employees to take initiative
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5 foolproof ways to get your staff to take initiative (and why they won’t take it in the first place)

“Why won’t my staff take initiative?” , “why do they always come to me with any little problem?” , “why do I have to spoonfeed my staff?” These are questions that a lot of managers ask and don’t know the answer to, so this is what this article is all about. How can you encourage…

How to get a promotion to partner
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How do you get your partners to realise you are ready to be promoted to senior associate in your law firm?

You’re ready to get promoted to senior associate but a senior partner announces that one of your colleagues has got the promotion instead of you again. How can you stop this from happening so that you get the next promotion to senior associate? How can you differentiate yourself from your colleagues and demonstrate your leadership…

how to cope with anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic
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How to curb your overwhelming anxiety (particularly when worrying about the impact of CV-19 on your career and livelihood)

Covid-19 has triggered a huge, stressful experiment across the globe. A forced experiment where, over the past few months, people have been experiencing what it’s like to work from home whilst potentially trying to run a completely remote team and having the kids at home 24/7 too. Even worse, it looks like the working from…

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