happy client if you no how to say no to law firm clients
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10 proven ways to work successfully in a virtual world

In the last four weeks we have had to adapt to an immediate shift in how we work. People are already starting to adapt. However, this brings uncertainty to our working lives. We have had the initial intrigue of seeing where our colleagues work and what their homes look like. But we are missing the…

How to fight fatigue and increase your energy levels – even if you are still in lockdown
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How to fight fatigue and increase your energy levels – even if you are still in lockdown

So many people I speak to recently (myself included) are telling me they are feeling fatigued and their energy levels are low. Given how much change we have had forced upon us, and our general levels of stress and anxiety, this isn’t surprising. Add in the threat of an impending global recession, firms pausing recruitment,…

stop working long hours
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5 tried and tested tips to stop your working day from becoming your whole day when working from home.

How to stop working long hours when working from home Did you start lockdown with adrenaline-fuelled intentions about what you were going to do with all your spare time now you were working from home? And are you now finding that spare time you had from not commuting, not travelling, not doing the school run…

make partner law firm
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The Lawyer, Accountant, and Consultant’s guide: How to create a new daily structure when working from home for the first time (even if you have failed miserably so far)

Many of us have now been working from home for the last month. And if you are like me, it hasn’t quite gone to plan. Perhaps you had unrealistic ideas, fuelled by the adrenaline buzz, of how productive you would be working from home freed of the shackles of the daily commute and needing to…

How to say no to a partner through email
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18 tried and tested tips on how to run effective online meetings whilst working from home

For a long time, physical meetings were considered far more productive and collaborative than online meetings. As technology continues to progress over time, however, this thinking has slowly been changing especially as more and more companies are starting to embrace remote working. Fast forward to today and we have a truly unique situation on our…

make partner law firm
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How to avoid back and shoulder pain when working from home

Many of us are finding out what it is like to work from home for an extended period of time. Given the speed at which most firms moved their employees to work remotely, many of the niceties didn’t happen. Namely support to get a working environment at home which minimised the impact on your body….

How to say no to a partner through email
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8 tried and tested tips to keep the faith with your business development efforts

So many working in professional service firms are shocked when they realise that they are expected to go out and win work. They don’t consider themselves as working in “sales” and can’t work out how to fit it in. If you want to progress your career, you need to get over these thoughts and start…

how to say no to clients

How to take back control of your time and workload if it has gone sky-high due to Coronavirus

Overwhelming workload: Is this your reality at the moment? You have clients calling you on the landline, mobile and via Whatsapp or Facetime? Add into the mix you have multiple pings coming at you from all the communication channels you have set up to keep in touch with your team who are now working from…

how to say no to law firm clients
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How to get your career back on track if the Coronavirus has sabotaged your career plans

These last 2-3 weeks here in the UK have been, frankly, surreal, scary and the nearest I will hopefully come to war time conditions in my life time. I have been hearing from many of my clients that their career plans have gone completely to awry. (Some of them used stronger language than this.) So…

client following
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How to create your own client following

How do I create my own client following? I’m often asked this question on a webinar. The truth is, it’s hard. But it’s not impossible. Time can be a constant enemy or an ally when it comes to networking. So the real question is, how do you create your own client following and still have…

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