Cost of making partner
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What to do when you are told you won’t get on the partner track

We can give you all the advice in the world to give you the best chance of making it on the partner track (in fact, we have!), but there’s not much advice out there when it comes to not making it. What do you do when after all that you’ve been working for, you’re told…

partnership track
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5 Foolproof Ways To Position Yourself To Get On The Partnership Track

Many associates look at the stats and think that the chances of partnership are an insignificant percentage of minuscule at best. While this may be true, someone has to make partner. So, what is the difference between them and you? Put simply, candidates who have made partner most likely have been making the right moves…

partnership track at law firms
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Getting onto the partnership track (what they didn’t tell you at law school!)

Law school may train you to research, write, analyse and think like a lawyer, but it doesn’t prepare you in any way for making partner at a firm. What it takes to become partner is learnt on the job working in a corporate law firm for many years. We’re going to outline exactly what it…

How to be on your A-game during your partnership panel interview
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How to be on your A-game during your partnership panel interview

Most law firms, accountancy firms and consultancy firms will put their partner candidates through a gruelling series of interviews to assess whether they are mentally, personally and professionally committed to making partner. Being on your A-game during your partnership panel interview is an absolutely essential part of the partnership admissions process. Even if you look…

two people working hard to maximize company results
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3 reasons why you are struggling to win bigger and better clients

It seems that every accountant, lawyer or consultant I meet wants to win bigger clients but isn’t sure how to go about it. In this article, I explore why you are struggling to win bigger clients and how to make the changes you need to starting winning bigger and better clients. Not having a niche…

busy season marketing business development
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Busy Season Marketing: How to keep on marketing when your case or client load is high

Busy Season Marketing: Industries of all kinds deal with seasonality, and lawyers, accountants and consultants are not immune from busy season, or the need to maintain their marketing through busy season. In this post, Heather explains how to deal with business development when your case load is high or you are in your peak season. …

5 common mistakes Big 4 candidates make at the Partner Panel Interview stage
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5 common mistakes Big 4 candidates make at the Partner Panel Interview stage

Making partner at a Big 4 firm is a massive achievement that is very difficult to secure for two reasons: the gruelling Partner Panel Interview and the mistakes that partner candidates make before and during the interview. The bad news is that the interview is unavoidable. The good news, however, is that the mistakes are….

business development routine

How to finally make business development a part of your daily routine

Do you work on business development every day? You’re missing a trick if not! The head of talent at a magic circle law firm stressed the importance of business development in choosing candidates for partner.  She said “if you want to make partner, you have to see business development as part of your day job….

How does your role change as you move from manager to director in your firm?

How does your role change as you move from manager to director in your firm?

We are going to explore how your role will change as you move upwards through the career stages within your firm.In this blog post we will start with one of the hardest transitions, going from manager to director ( in a Big 4 firm, mid-tier or small firm). Or for the lawyers, whether BigLaw, Magic…

how to win your own clients

6 crucial choices you need to make to be successful with business development

If you’re on your way to making partner, thinking about how to win your own clients is one of the main thoughts that is probably on your mind. But have you ever thought about some of the choices that you need to make that could help you with this? This article looks at 6 crucial…

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