two people working hard to maximize company results
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4 things to do BEFORE starting to write your Business Case for partnership to give your Business Case more impact

Do you know the 4 things you should do before writing your Business Case? Don’t just sit down and start writing! In this post we will focus on what you need to do BEFORE you actually start writing your Business Case for partnership. Your Business Case needs to be built ideally 3 years out from…

How to make partner
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5 radical but much needed changes to the current performance review process

The world of performance management is changing. The latest thinking suggests that we shouldn’t have one (or 2) big performance reviews with our team every year, but an on-going conversation about performance all throughout the year. This is a change I completely agree with. The amount of time taken up with meaningless appraisals which go…


It’s not your actions you need to be worried about… this is why

It an a world where supposedly actions speak louder than words, I wanted to spend a few moments in this short blog post, on what you should really be focusing on to make a difference to your career and the people around you.  This is what is happening to me right now I am sitting…

How to pinpoint the exact questions you are likely to be asked in your Partner Panel Interview
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How to pinpoint the exact questions you are likely to be asked in your Partner Panel Interview

The Partner Panel Interview is a feature of the Big 4, Magic Circle and large accountancy, law and consultancy firm’s partnership admissions process. Given that in your Partnership Panel Interview you will be interrogated by a number of partners on the merits or otherwise of your business and personal case, it can be a terrifying…


How to check that going for partnership is right for you

All too often I see highly talented professionals gunning for partnership because they don’t know any different. When you are immersed daily in a culture where you are expected to ‘want’ to make partner and anything else is perceived to be a failure, it’s difficult to consider any other career path. This is why in…

5 things you need to prove if you want to move from director to partner in a Big 4 firm
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5 things you need to prove if you want to move from director to partner in a Big 4 firm

I have been privileged to help several senior managers in a Big 4 make it to Director and then help them along their way to Partner. You can find out what I have learnt along the way, in the article below, especially if you need to know what is the difference between a Big 4…

Changing the word impossible to possible.
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How to identify when you need to work ‘smarter’ and when this isn’t going to help you get more productive

I was having a conversation recently with a client who had been newly promoted to director in his Big 4 firm. The conversation inspired this article as we were looking at how he utilised his time. He thought he needed to work smarter in order to work harder. However, it wasn’t simply a case of…

a man pulling at his shirt collar to represent how to deal with stress in the workplace
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When to say No (or yes) to extra responsibilities at work

Many Big 4 firms and law firms expect their senior managers, directors, senior associates and legal directors to take on extra responsibilities at work. These are normally non-chargeable responsibilities which will take you away from the day job. The reality is that it is not optional to take on these responsibilities. However, these extra responsibilities…

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Why feeling the fear and do it anyway is NOT going to help you make it to partner.

Making it to partner involves building a new skill set AND changing our role and responsibilities over time. I don’t think that there is any accountant, lawyer or consultant in practice who I have met who hasn’t felt the fear of needing to win their own clients and build up their own practice. What you…

a man pulling at his shirt collar to represent how to deal with stress in the workplace
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3 cracking ways to stop wasting time with business development

Business development is essential if you are going to grow your own practice to make partner. But many accountants, lawyers and consultants find that business development time waster activities loom large on their to do list. (And that’s if you have the time to do business development in the first place! Are you allowing business…

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