How to answer the interview question “why are you looking to leave your current firm”?
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How to answer the interview question “why are you looking to leave your current firm”?

Recently I’ve been working with a handful of clients who are interviewing for a new role. This blog post is all about how do you answer the tricky question, why are you looking to leave your current firm? Why is this a tricky question? Firstly, you always need to be honest when you answer this…

big 4 business case
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Creating a Business Case for partnership in a Big 4 firm? Don’t fall into this trap

Given how hard it is to make partner in a Big 4 firm, you can be forgiven for making this mistake. Creating the perfect Big 4 Business Case for partner (or director) will take significant time. However, this mistake scuppered one of our client’s admission to the partnership last year. Read on for more details….

Changing the word impossible to possible.
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3 reasons your very strong Business Case for partnership was rejected

Over the last few years, a few of my clients have been rejected at the final hurdle for partner. Often through no direct fault of their own. In this blog post, I examine 3 reasons why your very strong Business Case for partnership was not enough to make partner this time around. Firm politics This…

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6 essential questions to answer if you want a steady stream of referrals from your network

How to get referrals from your network Confidence is essential if you want to establish a good pipeline of work via referral from your network. But the question is how to get referrals from your network? However, you often only get the confidence when the work starts to come through by referral. It’s the age…

Why winning business successfully is all about the right mindset not skill level
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Why winning business successfully is all about the right mindset not skill level

This post is taken from an extract from the transcript of one of my recent webinars on “how to win your first client…..and then your second and third”. Heather (HT): The people I see that become very successful at business development are actively making choices every day. These choices tend to fall into these categories,…

Why so many professionals feel they need to go for partner even though they know its not for them
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Why so many professionals feel they need to go for partner even though they know its not for them

I’ve had many of conversations with people about their future career plans. This blog post explores why it is so hard to not want to go for partner even when you know it’s not the right thing for you. The problem You’ve been in professional practice for pretty much all of your working life. That…

two people working hard to maximize company results

7 things that will slowly but steadily kill your career in professional services

An old post of Dr. Travis Bradberry popped up on my timeline recently. It was entitled 9 things which will kill your career. It is definitely worth a read in my opinion. It made me think about what will slowly but surely kill your career in professional services. How much of these will match up…

What is more important; your Personal or Business Case for partnership?
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What is more important; your Personal or Business Case for partnership?

The partner track process will assess both your Personal Case and Business Case for partnership. The Big 4 and large law firms will typically assess formally both your Personal and Business Case. However, the smaller or mid-tier firms may only formally assess your Business Case. The Personal Case will be assessed informally.  It tends to…

Tips for presenting your Business Case at your partnership panel interview
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Tips for presenting your Business Case at your partnership panel interview

You’ve poured your heart and soul into writing your Business Case for partnership. Your challenge is now to condense your ‘war and peace’ Business Case (and we have seen firms which literally require their partnership candidates to submit business cases which are over 50 pages long) into a 10-minute persuasive, engaging and impactful presentation for…

big 4 business case
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This is the most important tool you can use to talk about your Business Case for partnership

Over the last few years we have been advocating using a tool called a one-page Talk Sheet to communicate your Business Case for partnership in your firm. In fact, this tool is probably the most important tool you can use when on partner track (or if you want to get onto partnership track). In this…

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