Changing the word impossible to possible.
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5 types of referral friction you need to overcome if you want to generate referrals from your firm’s existing clients

In this article, I consider the knotty problem of how to open up the internal marketplace in your firm to build your own client portfolio. This is especially important if you are in a Big 4 or large law firm. Why is this important? The really successful professionals in a Big 4, Magic Circle or…

The new LinkedIn search capability you have probably missed
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The new LinkedIn search capability you have probably missed

In the past month I’ve been working with managers and directors from a large firm of accountants on how they use online networking to win clients. Naturally this has involved a deep dive into LinkedIn and how they use this ‘on purpose’ and effectively. I was less than impressed when LinkedIn brought out its completely…


Changing a poor reputation: how much time should you invest?

In one of our regular “How To Become A Member Of The Club” webinars, John Moss and I were asked a fantastic question about how much time you should invest in changing a poor reputation before moving onto a different firm? Here is how John and I responded: Changing a poor reputation?  How big is the…

Changing the word impossible to possible.
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How to return to work after caring for children or aging parents

John Moss and I were asked a cracking question in one of our regular “How To Become A Member Of The Club” webinars. “I was at a senior level (not yet partner) at work before taking time away looking after children and an elderly parent. How should I handle my return to work?” It’s an…

two people working hard to maximize company results
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Exiting your firm to set up on your own? Read this first

If you are currently in practice and thinking about starting your own practice, this blog post tells you what you can expect from your soon-to-be-former employer and how to get your first clients. Starting your own practice: Not as easy as it may seem I’ve been privy to two situations where a director of a firm has…

Changing the word impossible to possible.
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The 3 most likely reasons why your leads are not converting

Do you find that you have good conversations with prospects which never quite seem to lead to paid work? You are not alone! This is one of the most common challenges professional advisors have with their business development. Particularly when they are new to business development. In this article I explore the 3 most common…

Changing the word impossible to possible.
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My 2 favourite tried and tested time saving business tools

This month is Stress Awareness month. I don’t know about you, but I never seem to have enough time to do what I want to do AND have enough quality time with the family. This is a continual source of friction for me which tends to raise my stress levels. Therefore, in this blog post…

Changing the word impossible to possible.
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Buying signals: How to recognise them and swiftly close the sale

How do you know when a client is thinking of buying your services? They start to give off buying signals. This blog post answers the question, what are buying signals? Then, when you recognise a buying signal how to progress the sale swiftly to a conclusion with your potential client. What are buying signals Before I…

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