a stressed manager at work
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Your christmas networking survival guide

The Christmas Party festive networking season is already upon us! In this article, I will be exploring how to make it through Christmas networking in one piece. Last year I wrote 5 good ways to eat, drink, network and be merry this Christmas season. In that article, I suggested: Don’t feel you need to accept every…

When is the right time to become a specialist?
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When is the right time to become a specialist?

When should I specialise? The challenge for any lawyer, accountant or consultant in practice is when to specialise. (Not if they need to!) Do it too soon and you don’t get the broad base of technical and commercial skills you need. Do it too late and you will struggle to build your own practice. The…

How to choose what to specialise in (finding your niche)
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How to choose what to specialise in (finding your niche)

Building your own practice often means you need to be known for something in particular. This ‘something’ is often referred to as a ‘niche’. In today’s marketplace it is very difficult to make make partner as a generalist. In this article, based on an extract from Poised for Partnership, we explore how to find your…

Doing your due diligence: How to assess if your firm is solvent
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Doing your due diligence: How to assess if your firm is solvent

When you admitted to the partnership as an equity partner, whether fixed share or full equity, you will be asked to make a large capital contribution to your firm. This means that you need to do your due diligence on your own firm, before formally accepting the offer of partnership. One of the areas of…

How does a Mentor help you build your Business and Personal Case?
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How does a Mentor help you build your Business and Personal Case?

In the last few posts I have been discussing the role of your support team to help you progress successfully through Partner Track. In today’s post, it is now time to look at your Mentor. How, if you use them properly, they can be your secret weapon. In this article, based on an extract from…

Who do you need in your support team when you are on Partner Track?
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Who do you need in your support team when you are on Partner Track?

I’ve often talked about how being on Partner Track is a marathon, not a sprint. Therefore, like any good long distance endurance athlete, you will need a support team to help and support you along the way. In this article, taken from an extract from Poised for Partnership, I explore who should be in your support…

a stressed manager at work
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10 ways to stop procrastination from sabotaging your success

Procrastination is a deadly skill which will sabotage many a talented accountant, lawyer or consultant from achieving the career success they deserve. In this article, taken from an extract from Poised for Partnership, I discuss how to stop procrastination from seizing up your career and future. How to stop procrastinating From time to time, everyone…

How do people on partner track waste precious time and effort?
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How do people on partner track waste precious time and effort?

The fundamental difficulty involved in the transition to partner is how to still hit your numbers whilst carving out time to build your Business Case and Personal Case for partnership. In fact, for a few years you are going to have two jobs: The day job, and then the extra one to build your own…

How to safely demonstrate in your appraisal that you are ready for partnership
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How to safely demonstrate in your appraisal that you are ready for partnership

Sometimes, the only opportunity you have to talk formally about your career ambitions is in your annual appraisal. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate your readiness for partner. However, many senior associates and directors blow this opportunity by not preparing properly for this very important conversation. In this article I will share with you…

a man pulling at his shirt collar to represent how to deal with stress in the workplace
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5 secrets to confidently and successfully give clients bad news

How to give clients bad news As a professional advisor, e.g an accountant, lawyer, or consultant, there are always going to be times when you need to give a client some bad news. The challenge is always how to deliver the news in a way which makes you feel confident that you can cope with…

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