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Find out why potential partners need to be a triple threat

If you were a director or senior associate and bringing in work worth over £1 million, you would think that you would be a sure bet for partnership. This may not always be the case, read on to find out more… The world of theatre has a phrase called a triple threat. This is someone…

7 signs that your firm will put on you on partnership track – and your technical ability isn’t one of them

7 signs that your firm will put on you on partnership track – and your technical ability isn’t one of them

Did you know that behind closed doors your partners are considering whether you are future partner material? This will have a huge influence on whether you make partner at your firm, or any other firm. This may happen very formally with a firm doing a talent audit, or very informally when partners get together. In…

6 pretty big clues that you will make partner – and confidence isn’t one of them…

6 pretty big clues that you will make partner – and confidence isn’t one of them…

Many young professionals sadly never achieve their burning ambition of making partner, regardless of whether they start at a Big 4 firm. However, it’s pretty easy to see who is going to make it through to partnership, just by looking out for these six clues. 1. Have a rough timescale to make partner Those future…

two people working hard to maximize company results
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Business Development Clinic: How can I win more personal tax clients?

This was an interesting and pretty short question which landed in my inbox recently. I thought it may be useful to share my reply here in a blog post. Whilst you may not be after personal tax clients, the same questions and process holds true regardless of the type of clients you want to attract….

Making Partner: Why has the average age to make partner increased to 40?

Making Partner: Why has the average age to make partner increased to 40?

Making partner: How long does it take? When I started in professional services in 2004, making partner by the age of 30 was seen as very, very good going – and only the exceptional people did this. The few partners who did this were always spoken of in hallowed tones, and seen to be the…

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Business Development Clinic: What’s the best way to turn a client’s need into a want?

For most professionals, our biggest competitor is not the firm down the road, it’s actually a client’s inertia or belief that they can do what they need to do without your services. I.e. you and they both know you have a ‘need’, but not a ‘want’ for your services. So, what can you do about…

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