Progress To Partner subscriber? This course is available to you in the Progress to Partner dashboard.
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You’re ambitious and want to be seen as one to watch.
In the world of professional services, particularly the Big 4 and large law firms, your targets are only going one way….. up.
When you’ve busted your gut hitting a seemingly impossible target, there is no respite. In the ‘up or out’ culture, which is professional services, you’ve got no choice but to subject yourself to increasingly higher and tougher targets if you are to be seen as a partner of the future.
This means if you are going to get to partner – and when you get there, stay there – you need to be on your A-Game every single day.
Luckily, you’ve found this great self-study course which will unlock the secrets of how the most successful people manage to be on their A-Game nearly every day.
To get the most out of this course don’t skimp on the exercises or videos. Take your time to listen to them and then do the exercises after the videos. Reflecting on the results of the exercises is where you’ll discover your secret code to always being on your A-Game.
You can purchase this course for £290 AND you will get access to the Progress to Partner online Academy for £290 for 12 months You will be able to complete to this self-study course and all the other self-study courses, free attendance at our Lunch & Learn Workshops and access to guides, workbooks and recordings to be sure you are spending 12 months building your “partner-ready” skills. Join Progress to Partner for £290 here
Course Content
This course has 7 videos to watch (and re-watch) plus a 35-page Workbook with exercises to work through after each video. The videos are:
- Take back control and stop letting life happen to you
- Getting aligned
- The importance of self-care
- Stop sabotaging your own success
- Doing the right stuff
- Habit layering and ritual building
- Enjoy yourself
You can purchase this course as a “standalone” course OR join our Progress to Partner subscriber-only site for £290+VAT for 12 months access to this self-study course and all the other self-study courses, free attendance at our Lunch & Learn Workshops and access to guides, workbooks and recordings to be sure you are spending 12 months building your “partner-ready” skills. Find out more here

Partnership Readiness Assessment
Ambitious to get noticed as partner material? Then get ready to take your first step to move your career forward and complete the How to Make Partner Partnership Readiness Assessment. Stop watching others succeed and stop wondering what you need to do to get noticed as partner material.
When you take the Partnership Readiness Assessment, you’ll be taking the first step to taking control of your own career development.
How can we help you?
To discuss how our courses and Progress to Partner corporate membership can help your team to grow and develop professionally, please get in touch below.