Search Results for: linkedin

5 ways to build your profile without physically being there – Part 1
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5 ways to build your profile without physically being there – Part 1

When I started my own business I had a 20 month old and a 3 year old. My decision to be my own boss had been preceded being made redundant, whilst the global economy crashed. Yes, that was three years ago. As my business was started in haste, I didn’t have the luxury of pots…

32 ways to say thank you quickly, personally and cheaply
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32 ways to say thank you quickly, personally and cheaply

Saying thank you for referrals or introductions to people is an important way to express your gratitude, and educate your network that you would like more of these. (This includes both your internal firm network and your external network) With a little thought and pre-planning, you can implement these ideas very quickly and always have…

3 ways your ‘story’ can help you be more successful
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3 ways your ‘story’ can help you be more successful

If you take a look at my diverse skills set, it’s very difficult at first glance to make sense of it – let alone seem credible for what I do. How does someone with an engineering degree, end up being an executive coach, organisational development consultant, award-winning writer, mother of two young children, business networking…

Why valuable content helps you gain referrals
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Why valuable content helps you gain referrals

I was asked by Sonja Jefferson ofValuable Content to write a guest blog for them on the role of valuable content in gaining referrals for your business. I have reproduced the blog here: As part of the research for ‘The FT Guide To Business Networking’ I spent over thirty hours interviewing international networking experts such as Ivan Misner, as well…

10 places for business networking when you have no time to network
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10 places for business networking when you have no time to network

A phrase that typically follows me around is ‘how do you find time to do everything? (The answer is I don’t, I just prioritise very well!) But, it left me thinking about how to find the time to network when you have no time to network. I have two young children, a business and far…

5 ways to grow your own profile, and blow your own trumpet… in an authentic way

This blog post was taken from the transcript of our recent webinar “How to become a rainmaker when you are known as a great technician”. John Moss (JM): Let’s talk about some of the small things you can do to grow your profile, and do that in a way that’s authentic to you. Get involved…

How to Make the Move From Industry Into Practice
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How to Make the Move From Industry Into Practice

It’s not uncommon for individuals in industry to want to realign their goals and aim for partnership. However, if you want to successfully facilitate this career change, you must first consider a) if this is the right decision for you and b) how you intend to transition from industry to practice. Throughout this article, we…

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